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Alabama Island
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City of the Dead
SamWolfe In The Moonlight: In The Bathtub Again Gizzel The water was perfect, I thought, maybe a little too perfect… It wasputting me to sleep. I rested my head against the rim of the tub and drifted. It really wasrelaxing me. I tried to follow that thought, but found that I couldn’t. Myeyelids felt heavy….
Billy Jingo: Collected short Stories
Billy Jingo: Collected short Stories Private Investigations: I lowered the glasses, slipped a cigarette from my pack and lit it, and then settled back to smoke as I watched. I know, they’ll kill me, but isn’t life killing us all every day? I know, I know, excuses. I got a ton of them. #Horror #Crime…
Swiss Family Robinson
Swiss Family Robinson $2.99 The classic tale of the shipwrecked survivors in its entirety. This is the most popular version of several different versions authored or edited over the decades.Swiss Family Robinson quantityAdd to cart Categories: Classics, Drama, eBook, Fiction Tags: Adventure, Classic, Swiss Family Robinson Description The novel opens with the family in the hold of a sailing ship, weathering a great…
City of the Dead
I tried to focus my thoughts, but every time I opened my eyes the bathroom swam in and out of focus. Even the panic I felt seemed removed. Aloof. Panic felt by a disinterested party. #horror #readers #Apple #Fantasy #scifi https://www.writerz.net
The Nation Chronicles on Kobo
The Nation Chronicles Book Three by Wendell Sweet Book 3 –The Nation Chronicles The conclusion of the trilogy begins here…Ira killed the motor. The moon was clouded, and maybe, he reasoned, the boat would blow right by them. No sooner had he completed the thought though, then the clouds parted and the moon rolled out…
City of the Dead
City of the Dead: The tub water was perfect… “Hey,” My eyes opened quickly: A young guy. Unshaven. Wild hair. “Hey,” I didn’t know you would be naked… In a bath tub… #Horror#Supernatural#Readers#SamWolfe#Fantasy#Nook City of the Dead Two spirit travelers unite to save a young woman who has been imprisoned in stone within the City…
City of the Dead
#Horror #Amazon #Paperback #Kindle #fantasy #readers #samwolfe In The Bathtub Again Gizzel In The Moonlight: The water was perfect, I thought, maybe a little too perfect… It was putting me to sleep.I rested my head against the rim of the tub and drifted. It really was relaxing me. I tried to follow that thought, but…
Stormy Charger video
Jun 23, 2024 A short clip of the Charger done in Retro filters and driving in a rain storm… Home: https://www.pcgeos.com