Add to Wishlist Criminal Intentions #2 by W. G. Sweet Write a review eBook $3.99 Available on Compatible NOOK devices, the free NOOK App and in My Digital Library. Buy As Gift LEND ME® See Details Overview Criminal Intentions is a series of books from Author W. G. Sweet that feature short stories in the Crime category. From true stories…
The Dope Man
Prophet X The Dope Man Come along on a crazy ride: Mob button men. Crime bosses,dirty cops. Top-level dope dealers and Dollar, a low-level loser just trying tostay alive… #Crime #OrganizedCrime #Mob #Readers #Thriller #BookLovers#BookWorms #Drama Home:
Notes from the Edge 05-16-24
👁📱📸 I am working on getting healthy, battling an insurancecompany that screws me over every month or so. I have never actuallyexperienced a fair insurance company. I have seen commercials, and they seem sonice: Go ahead, drive that Porsche into a pool, you’re covered! Your houseburned down? We’ll look into it, maybe not as quick…
Writer W. G. Sweet – Google Play
W. G. Sweet is the actual name for writer Wendell G. Sweet. He has written over 100 novels under pen names that are now being collected and published under his own name. He grew up in a small northern NY city much like Glennville. He is best known for the Earth’s Survivors book series. #YoungAdultFiction…
RUN – Sam Wolfe
Run It was early. I took a walk downtown; thinking as I walked how justa few short years ago I had spent almost all of my time down there.Chasing a high, drunk or both… #Reader #Crime #Apple #Thriller#Drama Wrote the book, made the video for it…
True: True Stories from a small town 3 – Dell Sweet
True: True Stories from a small town 3 – Sam Wolfe: True: True Stories from a small town 3 In AA they say that addictions will take you to hospitals, Mental Institutions and Prisons. It’s true. They will. I have been in all of those places. But addictions alone are not responsible for the life…
Criminal Intentions 2 book set
Sale! Current price is: $4.99. A double set of W. G. Sweets crime story short story books! Categories: Crime, Drama, eBook, Mystery, New Books, Suspense, Suspense Thrillers, Thrillers Tags: Crime, eBooks Criminal Intentions are short crime fiction collections from Author W. G. Sweet. 7 to 8 stories ranging from short to near novel length. A…
Sam Wolfe – City of the Dead
Two spirit travelers unite to save a young woman who has been imprisoned in stone within the City of the Dead… In The Moonlight: In The Bathtub Again Gizzel The water was perfect, I thought, maybe a little too perfect… It was putting me to sleep. I rested my head against the rim of the…
Earth’s Survivors
Earth’s Survivors Apocalypse (The Earth’s Survivors Book 1) Kindle Edition 3.7 out of 5 stars 259 ratings 3.6 on Goodreads 73 ratings Book 1 of 8: The Earth’s Survivors #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Home:
The Earth’s Survivors Box Set
Earth’s Survivors: box set Kindle Edition Earth’s Survivors box set contains the entire Earth’s Survivors series in one volume. The cities, governments have toppled and lawlessness is the rule. The small groups of survivors are growing, branching out in search of a new future. The series chronicles their day-to-day struggles as well as their dreams as…