AMERICA the DEAD: BOOK ONE Based on the series by W. G. Sweet Episode 8 PUBLISHED BY Publishing AMERICA the DEAD: BOOK ONE Copyright © 2019 by All Rights Reserved Writers: W.W. Watson, Geo Dell, W.G. Sweet, G.D. Smitty This book, in this blog format, is licensed for yourpersonal enjoyment only. If you would like to…
Zombie – Series
ZOMBIE Zombie Book 1: Origins. I still feel human: If it made changes to me, they are very small changes… But the dead. Oh, the dead, that is a different story. It did something else to the dead. #Apocalyptic #Readers #Amazon #Kindle #BookLovers #Horror Zombie: Book 2. The Farm. The dead were all around, pulled…
Fig Street
Wendell G Sweet Aug 2020 · Glennville Book 1 · Wendell Sweet 371 Pages About this ebook: The year is 1969: In the small city of Glennville people tend to stay to themselves. Neighbors matter. The streets, even in the poorest of neighborhoods are safe for children to travel on their own: Play kick the…
Sam Wolfe
The Bone Clan: Kindle Edition A loss for the clan starts three members on a search to find a new home for their people… #Readers #Prehistoric #Paleolithic #Booklovers #Bookworms #Archaic #Neanderthal #Denisovan #CroMagnon Home:
Notes from the Edge
Posted by Geo 11-18-23 It is the weekend once more. From several feet of snow just a couple of daysago, so bad that the cats were afraid to go out, and the Governordeclared a state of emergency, to rain from yesterday into today and60-degree weather and climbing. Wow. Watch out for flooding next. Orsunburn, or…
City of the Dead
City of the Dead The water was perfect, I thought, maybe a little too perfect… It was putting me to sleep. “Hey,” a voice said. A young guy. Unshaven. Wild hair. I could smell the street on him. His teeth were yellowed and chipped. Looked to be blackening in places I saw. His tonguecontinuously licked…
Notes from the Edge – 03-20-24
YouTubers I have my own YouTube channel, but aside from some modelingbuilds, book videos and some of my own music there isn’t much there. It seems to me a few years ago I looked at YouTube, andalthough it was great for a few minutes of distraction it didn’t really appealto me that much. Then my…
Zombie Book 1: Origins. I still feel human: If it made changes to me, they are very small changes… But the dead. Oh, the dead, that is a different story. It did something else to the dead. #Apocalyptic #Readers #Amazon #Kindle #BookLovers #Horror Zombie: Book 2. The Farm. The dead were all around, pulled from…
Begins the End Episode 1
America the Dead: Begins the end. The books Podcast. We are starting with book one, professionally adapted to Audio and we will over the next several years upload all of the books and present them here on our channel and on our Tik Tok channel free. Each book will be its own podcast and will…
George Dell
Earth’s Survivors Series in Audio or ePub editions! Book 1: Apocalypse. Earth’s Survivors Apocalypse follows survivors of a worldwide catastrophe. A meteorite that was supposed to miss the earth completely, hits and becomes the cap to a series of events that destroy the world as we know it. Police, fire, politicians, military, governments: All gone….