SOTOFO Thu, 19 Sep 2024 22:41:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SOTOFO 32 32 235370130 The Bone Clan Thu, 19 Sep 2024 22:41:43 +0000 The Bone Clan $4.99

Categories: Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Suspense Thrillers, Thriller / Psychological Tags: Adventure, eBooks, thrillers

Deh knew that his clan was not as strong as it once was. The journey to this new land had been long and arduous, and many of his people had not survived. But he was determined to make a new home for them here, in this fertile valley…


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Notes from the Edge Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:51:12 +0000

Oct 19th 2023

I spent today updating websites and working on interior files and
covers for the ES series, so you are going to end up with a partially
recycled blog from a few million years ago when Jesus and I were in
grade school together. I mean, of course, Jesus, Wanda and Pedro’s
son. So don’t write me and tell me I picked on religion, I picked on
Spanish friends instead.

So, the new covers for the ES series are done. Amazon has them, I ran out of fluid in my
eyes so I did not get D2D done, next weekend, I promise.

I have moved a great deal of content to the new servers and a few
domains too. You
may notice a lot more with Geo
name on it. As most of you know that read my blogs, I am retiring in
a few years and I want someone that understands these worlds I have
created to keep them going. Geo is that author. It’s that simple. 

Here’s a little humor for you…

Today the topic is Cell Phones, and, I answered a few questions because I
have been told I never answer questions. Is that true? I don’t know,
but my initial impulse is to not answer that question. I was also
asked , what
do I like? What do I dislike?

Cell Phones: Tin cans and string: This Cell phone thing is my generations fault.
I’ll fess up right here. We tied string to tin cans, pretended they
were loud and clear radios, and dreamed of networks of tin cans and
string. Okay, I dreamed of networks of tin cans and string. I think a few of my friends did
too, but I won’t put them on the spot. But, someone must have besides
me, because we grew up looking for that tin can.

We spawned children with that tin can thing embedded in their DNA. That
and the Communicator from Star Trek. If that wasn’t a glimpse into
the future and cell phones, I don’t know what it was. It was
inevitable, and we should have known it as soon as some fool back in
the fifties gave us Walkie Talkies.

It was almost a reality right there. Probably good enough for some of
us, but no, not for all of us. Some said…

“Hey, Bob. What if I could talk to Tim, Ellie and even my sister Sherry
with these things?”

“Well, Bob says. “Why would you want to talk to your sister Sherry?
She’s a girl.”

“Oh… Right… Never mind.”

But, then some other guy went… “Hey, Bob. What if I could talk to
anyone I wanted to with this thing? I mean like anywhere?”

“Well,” Bob said. “We’d have to make them affordable… Put them in the
hands of people everywhere.. We’d have to build relay stations…
We’d… We could do it! We

And so Marketing and the Cell Phone industry was born right there. And
Bob probably headed it. Now we all have Cell Phones and we might as
well be welded to them, or they to us.

Last week I remembered I had a cell phone for a reason. To make calls to
people, or so that people could reach me. I was watching a really
stupid movie at the time. Four young people stranded in the desert.
The moron dude (There is always a moron dude who does the dumb thing
that puts them all in the bad situation), so, the Moron Dude wrecks
the truck and they’re stranded in the desert. So what does he do
first? Tries his cell phone. And does it work? Of course not. And, I
thought, hmm, I have a cell phone, what if I paid all this money for
minutes, and, and (I tend to get excited when I think of stupid things that just might
be possible) I get stranded in the desert, and I flip open my Cell phone, and I
have, like, 300 minutes, so I sigh, relieved, I will not die in the
desert and the young woman med student won’t have to pound a hole in
my head to relieve the fluid buildup so I will live!

That was what she (The med student) had just finished doing to one of the people in the movie, pounding a hole in her head to relieve the pressure buildup. Hmm. It didn’t work
too well. The person still died. Now, my characters do things too.
But I have yet to write a scene where one actually pounds a hole into
another characters head with a frickin’ rock.

I’ll tell you, I was relieved. I have enough holes in my head (Some say).
Then I remembered the scenario. Minutes
don’t matter. Reception matters. So, in my head, in my little world in the desert with the
Moron Guy, and the Med Student woman, I look down at my phone again.
Damn. 300 minutes and no bars. But, like the Moron Dude I try it
anyway. Doesn’t work. The young Med Student woman is looking at me
funny. Like she can’t wait to pound that hole in my head. Son of a
bitch, I think. This really sucks. Then I remember, it’s
not real.
I am relieved again, except I am still watching this pathetic movie,
and I am looking at my cell phone and wondering why I welded myself
to it.

Anyway, dumb movies aside, it really did get me thinking about my cell phone.
I have this many friends. (I’m holding up fingers on one
of my hands). Let’s just say it’s a small amount, I have fingers left
over. Now, all of those friends never call me on my cell phone. If
they need to reach me they send an email or call me on my land line.
Yes, I have a land line. I know how pathetic that sounds. And I
rarely ever use it either. But that’s another blog. So, my friends
know my email address, and my home phone and my cell phone number,
and they never call me on the cell phone. Yet every month I buy
minutes and put them on the damn phone. So I must have thousands of
minutes on the phone. Just then the phone rang.

“Hello?” I’m cautious. No one calls me here. “No one calls me here,”
I say.

Turns out it is a new-old friend. IE: One I knew years before who just
reconnected and does not realize no one calls me on my Cell Phone.

“Hey,” I say. What else can I say? “No, you’re not bothering me,”
I lie. Then, the phone goes dead.

“Hello? Hello?” I
take the phone away from my ear and stare at it as though that can
fix it or at least tell me what is wrong. Nope. five bars. Hey, wait
a minute, no minutes! How can that be? I just ran out of minutes on
my cell phone. But I just put minutes on it. Hmm, a conundrum.

That lead right into the stupid movie, and I realized, if it was me, my
luck would be that I would find I had a signal, and then discover that I had no minutes. And so,
I asked myself, why is that? And that is the crux of the problem.
Because, as I mentioned, no one calls me on my cell phone. So, where
do all the minutes go to? They go to all the other calls. The ones I
didn’t ask for. The Cell Phone Spammers. Yes. Those
guys/gals/machines. They call all of the time.

“Hi! did you know that for just three hundred dollars a month you can get
an unlimited number of minutes,”
the voice asks?

“Really,” I ask?

The voice just keeps yacking. It’s not a real voice. It’s a machine. But
I’m lonely, they know it, and they know I am stupid enough to listen
to a machine… At least for a little while.

“Press One now for the Budget Plan. Press Two for the Super Business
Package. Press three for the…”

I hang up. Cell Phone Hooker,
I think. I think some other unkind things too, even though I know it
is a machine. An hour later the phone rings. I think, ‘I
shouldn’t answer that. They probably just want to sell me something.’

But I am stupid, or I have a defective gene, or both.

“Hello? Is this a machine,” I ask right off the bat.

“No sir,” a female voice. Heavy accent. “I
am calling regarding your account.”

“Oh… Oh, sorry… I get these machine generated phone calls you see…”
I shut up, because of course it’s the Cell Phone. Yakking is money.
“My account?”

“Yes sir… My records show that you have the Thrifty Budget plan. And I
wanted to make you aware of the Super Business Travelers plan..”


“Your Cell phone plan,” she explains.

“I don’t have the Thrifty Budget plan,” I say.

“Are you sure,” she asks?

“Mm, yes,” I decide.

“Hold on sir.” She sounds upset, leaves the line, and like the idiot I am, I wait
for her to come back. Ten minutes later she does.

Probably she is checking only to see if I was stupid enough to hang on. But,
no, I answer.

“Yes… Ma’am.”
I’m even polite. What an idiot.

“My records show that you do not have the Thrifty Budget plan. Please
forgive me.”

And I am ready and willing to forgive her. It’s hot over there in New
Delhi, I watch Big Bang Theory. I saw Slum Dog Millionaire. I know
it’s got to be a hard job working half way around the worl… She
interrupts me.

So, Sir?”
She waits until I answer. The minute monster is eating my phone alive.


“So, wouldn’t this be a great time to get the Super Business plan?”

Finally it dawns on me. “Hey, are you from **** & ****?”(My phone provider)

“Well, no. I’m from **** *****.”

I hang up. I feel used. Dirty. ‘Damn,’ I think. I am even cussing. ‘Damn
Dirty Ape. Frig!’

It is the most severe cussing I can come up with on short notice.

Okay, so I’m sitting there, and slow as I am, it finally dawns on me where
all of my minutes go, they go to answering the phone so these guys
can sell me more minutes so I can answer the phone, so they can sell
me more minutes, so I can answer the phone IF one of my friends ever
call, and, as evidenced, if one of my friends do call, I’ll have no
minutes to talk to them. Boy am I dumb. Hmm… Then I think, well, I
could just let the medical student woman in the movie pound the hole
in my head. Might be quicker, smarter too.

Another thing that has happened over the last few weeks, I lost a friend. I’m
not sure how I did that either. It wasn’t like I was at the Big
Walmart and lost them in the aisles. That would not have been so bad.
I could have gone to the store manager, given a description and bang.
I would have been fixed right up.

Nope, this one just sort of drifted away. One day there, the next, not so
much. Then you realize you are calling, emailing, putting forth the contact effort every time.
And so you think, Idiot! This person doesn’t want this friendship.
You missed a signal. So, you stop responding, and sure enough, you
never hear from them again. So, I kicked myself and said I’ll be more
on the ball next time, but I won’t be. I’m dense. My point is, all
relationships go through changes, and some of those changes cause the
relationship to die. If not I would still be with my first wife… Or
my second… Or… Never mind. I only wish I could catch it faster.
No one wants to appear stupid. But, to be safe, the next time I am in
Walmart I’ll stop by the Lost and Found counter.

Someone said, you don’t say anything about yourself. A couple of someone’s.
So, I decided that I would answer a few questions and not answer a
few other questions. I did some of that last week, and the balance
this week. I know I’ll hear about it if I didn’t answer the
questions as I should have, or the ones that get asked the most.

Married? No
(Related questions | Gay? No
| Single? Yes, there is only one of me
| Currently in a relationship? Yes, my cat Buster and my other cat Fred it’s a love hate relationship. I hate cats they love me. I don’t understand it at all. They wake up at seven A.M. I went to sleep at
4:00 to 6:00 A.M. they jump on me and wake me up. Feel it’s their duty. Am I talking to much? Oh, women?
Uh, No.)

Alien? No
I questioned this question but answered it. Alien from the solar
system? Or illegal alien from another country? Trick question? Hmm.

Racial Makeup? Mongrel:
Native American | African American | White

Do you only write these books or would you like to live the life your
characters live? Yes I would like to live the life. In a minute. And I mean that. Seriously, do you have a place in mind?

And the smart ass that obviously watches Monty Python (I love Monty Python by the way).

What… is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? What do you mean? An African or European swallow?

What do I like, what do I dislike?

This came to me as, what do I Like and what do I Hate. Just to be fair. I
think hate is a really strong word. When I was young and ignorant, not to say that youth breeds ignorance, or that all youth are ignorant, or any youth are ignorant, just to say I was ignorant and
arrogant. I had no problem hating things. Anything I didn’t understand or agree with, and since that was back in the Sixties and Seventies, hey, we disagreed with everything, I hated it.

So, I changed it to dislike. I don’t want to expend that much energy to
actually hate something right now. Or tomorrow either. So, here’s my
list of things I like and Dislike…

Ford Trucks (F 150, Ranger, Bronco)
Phone marketers (Stop eating my minutes!)
Chevy Cars (Impala, Nova)
Dogs (Malamutes, Labs, Shepherds, I love dogs)
of any kind
Pizza (Anchovies allowed. no vegetarian pizzas. Sausage,
Mushrooms, Olives, Peppers)
(I have a cat so don’t write to me)
Godfather (Movie)
Jesus Christ Superstar (70’s rock opera)
Baseball, Football, Wives shows.
Naked and Afraid (Nat. Geo. Survival series)
seat drivers (Shut up!)
Mad Max and Road Warrior (First two films only) Mel Gibson.
fish with the head still on.
Schecter – Guitars 6 and 7 string models.
third grade teacher
Takamine Guitars- Top acoustic guitars.
Night of the living Dead (Original B&W film) Never go to a
graveyard with your sister.
who hate because it’s easier than understanding.
Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood Movie) and Outlaw Josey Wales, and
Million Dollar Baby…
pretending to be women pretending to be men movies
Star Trek (Just about anything ) But the Next Generation is my
favorite series. Uhura is my favorite character, second Data.
that bite first and ask questions later. Bastards.
Big Bang Theory. Favorite Character, Leonard. I liked Johnny
on Roseanne.
stranded in the desert with a med student.
Alanis Morissette, Bob Dylan, Cheryl Crow, Tom Petty, Bob Seger,
Tom Waits, Metallica, Gerry Rafferty, Dire Straits, Bruce
Springsteen, Rhianna, Stevie Nicks,
Hate Music. I was shocked. I didn’t know it existed.
Survival (Actually living off the land. That’s why I write about
that post on Face book all day long so that I get emails all day
Stephen King, Jean Auel, Mark Twain, Harper Lee, John Steinbeck,
Ernest Hemingway, Patrick O’Brien, Janet Evanovich
who ask too many personal questions, like you owe them these
Favorite Songs: Baker Street, Tangled up in blue, Hurricane,
Bitch, Romeo and Juliet, Tunnel of Love, Night Moves, Main
Street, free falling, All I wanna do, California king bed,
Solution six
phones, Answering machines, Robots that take over cities, Six
million cable channels and nothing on, Movies without plots,
Guitars with broken strings, three legged dogs and piano stools

second Outrunners book is done. About 115,000 words before editing.
Looks as though it will go to the editor toward the end of this
month. When she is done, I will publish it. Meanwhile I will be
pushing Billy Jingo for March.


Pepsi – Coke? Coke

Ginger – Mary Ann? Mary Ann

Windows – Mac – Linux? Linux

Two Favorite Books?
The Stand (Stephen King)
Clan of the Cave Bear (Jean Auel)

If you can live anywhere, where would that be?

Tough question. I have two scenarios that I will decide from in about 4 or 5 years from now.

Live in the mountains, or other isolated area, work the land, work
with my hands. As completely self sufficient as I can be. I wanted to
do that at seventeen. It’s never changed. The problem is finding a
woman who wants to do that. And others. Next to impossible. So it, if
it happens, will probably be a compromise of that dream. Possibly
land in the mountains as rural and self sufficient as possible.
Another place, State, Country? Maybe.

Buy a sailboat and live on it. Not a small boat, ocean going, 50 to
65 footer. I have lived next to the ocean. Been on it. I love it. I
could buy a good used ocean going sail boat for about the same cost
as a nice suburban house. But, again, it’s not a one person deal.

That’s it for questions. You know more about me than I do now. My friends
will probably call and say, … “Hey? What’s the deal? Mary Ann?
Coke? You could have told me. I thought you liked dark skinned women
and Dr. Pepper?” Hmm.

I asked my friend … Ginger or Mary Ann? … when I was writing the question. He said huh? Had no idea what I was talking about. Cold and then hot here in New York. Hope it’s better where you are. Okay, that’s my week. I hope your week was good…

America the Dead Podcast on YouTube:

America the Dead double books at Amazon:


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Old military base Thu, 19 Sep 2024 10:08:01 +0000

Driving around a 3D military base with a military truck I also built. Modeled with OFX: Design #3dmodeling #3dgames #gamebuilder #Gamer
3D Modeler:
3D Game Builder:

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America the Dead Episode 23: Part B Wed, 18 Sep 2024 22:56:20 +0000


America the Dead Episode 23: Part B: Two rival gangs, one from the southside and another from the north side contact each other to try to come to a solution for the violence and stop killing each other. They come to an agreement about what should happen with the survivors who are located just of the public square where the battel is playing out. Both sides want them, and the aim is to join forces and go after the survivors instead of each other… #Survival #War #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #Listeners#Apple

Get the books at Apple:

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Earth’s Survivors Series Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:43:11 +0000 Earth’s Survivors

Earth’s Survivors Apocalypse (The Earth’s Survivors Book 1) Kindle Edition

3.7 out of 5 stars    259 ratings 3.6 on Goodreads 73 ratings

Book 1 of 8: The Earth’s Survivors #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

Earth’s Survivors Rising From The Ashes Kindle Edition

3.9 3.9 out of 5 stars    100 ratings 3.9 on Goodreads 71 ratings

#Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

Earth’s Survivors The Nation Kindle Edition

3.8 out of 5 stars    45 ratings 4.0 on Goodreads 40 ratings

The survivors are on the road looking for a place to begin again…

#Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

Earth’s Survivors Home in the Valley Kindle Edition

3.8 out of 5 stars 47 ratings 4.2 on Goodreads 27 ratings

Small bands of survivors are joining together, making their way across the devastation of America…

Earth’s Survivors: Plague Kindle Edition

3.4 out of 5 stars 16 ratings

#Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

The Nation begins to rise from the ashes of the old world…

Earth’s Survivors Watertown Kindle Edition

Tuesday Morning: Watertown He read the report twice and then carefully set it back on his desk. #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

Earth’s Survivors: World Order Kindle Edition

3.3 out of 5 stars  5 ratings

The Nation is growing and needs protection from the dead… #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

Earth’s Survivors: Knock (The Earth’s Survivors Book 8) Kindle Edition

5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars    2 ratings #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction #Series

Book 8 of 8: The Earth’s Survivors

Earth’s Survivors: Alabama Island

The Earth’s Survivors books follow a series of different survivors as they awaken to the destruction of the Earth… #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Books #BookLovers #WGSweet #EarthsSurvivors

Earth’s Survivors: Los Angeles

Los Angeles in the midst of the largest extinction event in thousands of years. Billions worldwide will die. Millions will die in North American… #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #Books #BookLovers #WGSweet #EarthsSurvivors

The Earth’s Survivors (10 book series) Kindle Edition

Read the entire Earth’s Survivors collection at this link! #Amazon #Kindle #KindleUnlimited #Apocalyptic #Readers #Horror The Earth’s Survivors series is an end of the world series…


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 GUITAR WORKS Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:44:37 +0000 GUITAR WORKS By Admin

 NOV 20, 2023 #Apple#Blog#eBooks


Guitar Works Volume One: The AdjustOvation Build

This is a step by step custom Ovation build. Installing a roller bridge, tremolo, Piezo discs and a humbucker. 

Guitar Works Volume Two: Custom Builds 1

Guitar Works Geo Dell This manual will give you information that you can use to do your own custom repairs on guitars. #Luthier #CustomeGuitarWork 

Guitar Works Volume Three: Custom Builds Two

Guitar Works Geo Dell

This is a complete start to finish custom build.

#Apple #Luthier #CustomGuitars #Readers #BookLovers #GuitarLovers 

Guitar Works Volume Four: The CD60 Build

Geo Dell

This volume contains the complete Fender CD60 build. This is a complete start to finish custom build. #Apple #Luthiery #CustomGuitarBooks #CustomGuitarwork #Woodworking #GuitarLover 

Guitar Works Volume Five: Neck Refret

Geo Dell $1.99 This manual is designed to teach you neck repairs, refretting jobs and cutting, shaping and installing your own nut or saddle. #Refretting #GuitarNeck #Luthiery #Woodworking #CustomGuitarWork 

Guitar Works Volume Six:

#Luthiery #CustomGuitarWork #GuitarRepair #FixABrokenGuitarNeck #Learning 

Guitar Works Volume Seven

#BoneNut #GuitarNutBuild #GuitarSaddleBuild #CustomGuitarWork #BuildAGuitar #Luthiery  

Guitar Works Big Book

#CustomGuitarWork #BuildAGuitar #Luthiery #Apple 


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The Wastelands: Zero Tue, 17 Sep 2024 21:53:39 +0000

Wastelands Zero

The end of life no longer means the end. Now it means the
beginning of death. A new type of life. A hunger machine searching… #Zombie
#Apocalypse #ZombieApocalypse #ZombieFiction #Readers #Thriller #Drama #Horror


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Single Books – Amazon Tue, 17 Sep 2024 18:31:08 +0000 Single Books – Amazon



5.0 out of 5 stars

Johnny. The Farm House:

My hand is cramping, but I am almost finished. The dead are quiet right now. Quiet as in, not scratching, not trying to get in. #Zombie #Horror #Kindle #Amazon

Zero Zero

As the clock ticks down for our planet and her inhabitants, powers that have lain dormant for centuries are loosed on the Earth. #Horror #Kindle #Amazon #Biblical #Christian #Fiction

Star Dancer

Michael Watson is the captain of an inner galaxy cruiser: He Purchased Star Dancer and has spent the last twenty years running people and supplies to outposts within the confines of the Solar System… #SciFi #StarTravel #DellSweet

Necro Kindle Edition

He had been lying half in half out of the gutter for the last several hours that he knew of. He had no idea how long before that. Days? Weeks? Weeks seemed wrong. #Horror #Zombies ##Kindle #Amazon #Readers #BookLovers #BookWorms


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Run – Sam Wolfe Tue, 17 Sep 2024 09:50:54 +0000 Run Kindle Edition

by Sam Wolfe (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition

A walk to fight off boredom puts a young man in a position he may die getting out of. He finds himself in the middle of a criminal act he can only wonder at the origins of. In any case, he is now a part of it until the end of what ever it is…

… He was breathing hard. “We got to kill some time: Find a place.” He looked at the girl. “What the f*ck is it you want, manita?” He showed her the 45 just in case she hadn’t seen it.
She turned and looked to the back of the lot, motioning with one hand as she did, and spat out a stream of Spanish that was lost on me. At the end, I caught the gist of it, she was asking for a ride. I expected the Mexican to tell her no, maybe even shoot her: The guy had a bullet hole in his head and he was walking around. What could you expect from a guy like that?
When she finished she planted her feet firmly and locked eyes with him, occasionally turning to include me in her stare down.
“Okay, okay, manita. You are a little… What the f*ck is it,” he turned to me smiling, ”Loca? …”
“Crazy,” the girl said, but she laughed.

A big dead rat, and a few even larger rats were breakfasting on him.
And, suddenly, just like that, I was done. #CrimeFiction #CrimeReads
#Readers #Booklovers #CrimeJunkie #Kobo #Drama #Thriller

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Genisis Earth Series Mon, 16 Sep 2024 22:22:53 +0000

Genesis Earth Series

Book 1: Armageddon

Genesis Earth is a trilogy of books that document the plight
of the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarely
glimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups band
together to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her final

Will it be a case of too little too late? For some it will
be the end of everything, they will give all they have and pass from life into
death. But the battle may not be over for them, for many will find themselves
rising from the sleep of death only to be pulled back into the battle to save
earth and her people. There seems to be no peace in life or in death. No
answers for humanity, but faith only in the things they have followed and…
#ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers

Book 2: Gods and Devils

The Judgment Day is coming for the world, but before it
comes there will be a time of wars, evil rulers and millions will die…

The small group is traveling trying to find others, trying
to find the scope of the damage and the survivors…

A long, gray, older Lincoln sat at the curb idling, its
wipers throwing great sheets of water from the windshield. The darkened side
windows gleamed, reflecting back the bright glare of the station lights. Lisa,
and several of the others were waving through the glass in an attempt to get
the drivers attention. #ChristianFiction #Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian
#Readers #Apple #BookLovers

Book 3: The Roads out of Eden

The conclusion of the Genesis Earth trilogy… He was sure
now, that he had somehow become trapped in this dead body. Which was bad, but
was not that bad. It meant that he could maybe exact a small amount of revenge
on Luther. He could try at least. He wasn’t completely sure it would be successful,
but he wasn’t convinced it wouldn’t be. He had reasoned it simply enough.
Luther terrified him, plain and simple, but when he had examined his fear, he
had realized that Luther had never been able to touch him. Scare him, yes,
threaten to hurt him, yes again, but he had never actually touched him… #ChristianFiction
#Horror #Apocalyptic #Dystopian #Readers #Apple #BookLovers


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