A free eBook from my fellow author Will Watson! Billy is pulled from his mundane life… The smell of hot metal filled the air; the car on its top, the drivers’ body spilled out onto the concrete… #Crime#Readers#Apple#Thriller#Action https://books.apple.com/us/book/connected-sanger-road/id1159120378 https://www.writerz.net
Author: Author Sam Wolfe
Zombie – Series
ZOMBIE Zombie Book 1: Origins. I still feel human: If it made changes to me, they are very small changes… But the dead. Oh, the dead, that is a different story. It did something else to the dead. #Apocalyptic #Readers #Amazon #Kindle #BookLovers #Horror Zombie: Book 2. The Farm. The dead were all around, pulled…
FIRE Free Preview
FIRE The ancient clan in prehistoric Europe, 85,000 years ago, faced a devastatingattack that forced them out of their high stone shelter. With many losses,particularly among the young and elderly… #PreHistory #CavePeoples #Readers#HistoricalFiction #WGSweet #Paleolithic https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZJMD7BN Free Sample Read: This is copyright protected material… As the sun rose on a new day, strong winds swept…
White Trash
White Trash: Fourteenmillion dollars in a suitcase. Severed body parts in a duffel bag. Two hiredkillers. A drug dealer. Organized crime kingpins; all chasing two white trashkids down to the deep south. #Crime #WhiteTrash #DellSweet #eBook #Kindle https://www.writerz.net
America the Dead
183 views Oct 20, 2021 ATD-Audio-PodcastGeo Dell & Amber SmithWhen a catastrophic natural disaster looms on the near horizon, the government releases an airborne virus designed to make the human race better able to survive. Those that do survive are picking up the pieces of their world, and those that have died lay in their…
Notes from the Edge 05-16-24
👁📱📸 I am working on getting healthy, battling an insurancecompany that screws me over every month or so. I have never actuallyexperienced a fair insurance company. I have seen commercials, and they seem sonice: Go ahead, drive that Porsche into a pool, you’re covered! Your houseburned down? We’ll look into it, maybe not as quick…
OFX Road and UV
Building a road and doing the UV/Graphics work using Open FX modeler and Ultimate Unwrap.#3dgamebuilds #OpenFXModeler #RadSandbox #3DGameAssets #3dmodels #RoadModels https://www.writerz.net
RUN – Sam Wolfe
Run It was early. I took a walk downtown; thinking as I walked how justa few short years ago I had spent almost all of my time down there.Chasing a high, drunk or both… #Reader #Crime #Apple #Thriller#Drama Wrote the book, made the video for it…https://www.amazon.com/Run-Sam-Wolfe-ebook/dp/B0CHTCL22S https://www.writerz.net
True: True Stories from a small town 3 – Dell Sweet
True: True Stories from a small town 3 – Sam Wolfe: True: True Stories from a small town 3 In AA they say that addictions will take you to hospitals, Mental Institutions and Prisons. It’s true. They will. I have been in all of those places. But addictions alone are not responsible for the life…
Notes from the Edge
If you have lived any kind of life at all you have mademistakes. It comes with the human territory, I think it probably comes with anythinking animal’s territory. Thosemistakes might be small or they may be large and overshadowing. You may beridiculed because of them or they may be severe enough that you will have…