Amber Smith’s America the Dead: Season 2 Episode 35 via @YouTube
Author: Author Sam Wolfe
Charger stormy
Yes, I am a writer, but IU also build games… Charger stormy: Building a model and using it in a game along with some filter processes to produce driving in a storm. All work is my own. #3DModels#3DModeling#GameCreation#UVwork#Gamer
ice video Track and car
A landscape and track I am working on: This is a gravel road with asphalt at the bridge and in the tunnels. Jumps, tunnels, esses, and plenty of track. I will allow some free downloads when it is finished. I am building/skinning small houses for a little desert town to drive through, some fences and…
Compiling a game with four sections in RAD Sandbox
Compiling with RAD Sandbox. . #gamebuild #gamers #gamebuilding #3dmodels #3d #directx #DellSweet How do you compile a game with more than one file? This is a four-part game, IE: The joining of 4 templates into one game. I will show you how to do it step by step #RadSandbox #Rad #GameCreation #Compile #DellSweet
UV Work
Using the Open FX modeler to build game ready models for Rad Sandbox. #3DModels #radsandbox #gamemodel OFX Modeler: Home:
The last Ride – #Death #nonfiction #Ride
29 vews • Mar 26, 2023 • #Death #nonfiction #Ride The last ride is a true story based on my years driving Taxi. I did change a few names, other than that this is a true story read by myself. #Geotrue #nonfiction #audicast #taxi #cab #Death #Ride #Fare True Stories True: True Stories from a…
Notes from the Edge
I am in the middle of homeconstruction, writing BillyJingo, and a half dozen other projects. I spent yesterday doingyard work, cutting tree limbs and trees, clearing out an old garden,and in the midst of that the delivery truck showed up with all of thebuilding materials I ordered and, of course, I was here alone…
Game Builder
This is a full feature game maker including a compiler that allows you to package and sell the games you create or give them to your friends. #3DGameBuilders #Gamers #3d Home:
Misspent Youth
Misspent #youth: How I got beat up the first few times – And #OldSchoolMothers … #Blog#humour#readers Misspent youth: How I got beat up the first few times – And Old School Mothers… When I was a kid there was no Internet, phones were barely more than curiosities that not everyone could afford, and Jesus was…
Sam Wolfe
The Bone Clan: Kindle Edition A loss for the clan starts three members on a search to find a new home for their people… #Readers #Prehistoric #Paleolithic #Booklovers #Bookworms #Archaic #Neanderthal #Denisovan #CroMagnon City of the Dead Two spirit travelers unite to save a young woman who has been imprisoned in stone within the City…