Amazon and Kindle books from Author Sam Wolfe… Run: #Crime #Readers City of the Dead: #Readers #Kindle#SamWolfe #eBooks Tau Ceti E: #Space #Readers #Colonization
Author: Author Sam Wolfe
Notes from the Edge
If you have lived any kind of life at all you have mademistakes. It comes with the human territory, I think it probably comes with anythinking animal’s territory. Thosemistakes might be small or they may be large and overshadowing. You may beridiculed because of them or they may be severe enough that you will have…
Notes from the Edge 03-24-24
I am hanging out watching a murder mystery series on YouTube with my wife (The small town with A BIG Missing Persons Problem….). It is pretty good and thought provoking. We get into these YouTube things sometimes or binging series on Netflix (Just killed Orange is the new Black which I had seen, and she…
Tau Ceti E
Tau Ceti E Earth 02201 04-1102:58:27 Los Angeles DistrictFifteen: My hand reached acrossthe bedside table searching for the headset as it buzzed. Nia moved beside me,mumbled, obviously displeased that the buzzer was still going off. “Going towake the babes,” she said as coherently as she could. My hand finally closedon the headset. I untangled my…
About Taco night
Notes from the Edge – Too Deep?
Posted by Geo 11-09-23 Good morning to all. It doesn’t seem possible to me that this year is nearly over with. Pretty soon I’ll be writing 2024. Work: I spent this past week working on the new Earth’s Survivors books. I also spent some time on The ZombiePlagues books and six. Definition, characters, plot and…
A Minor – Studio Version
A Minor – Studio Version A-minor: Copyright © 2006-2015 Wendell Sweet A studio version recorded in 2013 for an EP. Quite different from the original #SelfPenned#OriginalMusic#Audio#Music#Listeners Read the lyrics on my YouTube channel…
The story of the #zombie #Apocalypse Book links below
America the Dead Books: 1 2 3 4 5 #Free#Podcast: #horror#readers
Guitar Works – Guild custom Guitars
This is a project I had beenlooking at doing for quite some time. I often order acoustic rebuilds in packsfrom my supplier and they come in and go out too quickly to really formulate anidea and execute it, but when I began to make plans to close the guitar siteand concentrate on other areas of…
Notes from the Edge
#BLOGGING #FREEREAD #ZOMBIEAPOCALYPSE Postedby Dell 11-23-23 Rainy afternoon here in New York. I hope your weather is good wherever youare. I have spent a lot of this T-Day working on web sites instead offinishing my house and getting back to writing. I complain, but itall has to be done. I am going to keep this…