Tau Ceti E In the far future acataclysmic climate devolution occurs and the Planet Earth begins to lose itsatmosphere: This is the story of Tau Ceti E… #Space #Readers #Colonization Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHN6LSLM Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHL9TDFR https://www.writerz.net
Author: Author Sam Wolfe
Tau Ceti E
Tau Ceti E In the far future acataclysmic climate devolution occurs and the Planet Earth begins to lose itsatmosphere: This is the story of Tau Ceti E… #Space #Readers #Colonization Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHN6LSLM Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHL9TDFR https://www.writerz.net
City of the Dead
SamWolfe In The Moonlight: In The Bathtub Again Gizzel The water was perfect, I thought, maybe a little too perfect… It wasputting me to sleep. I rested my head against the rim of the tub and drifted. It really wasrelaxing me. I tried to follow that thought, but found that I couldn’t. Myeyelids felt heavy….
America the Dead: Book One
by W G Sweet (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 8 ratings Book 1 of 5: America the Dead America the Dead: Los Angeles Wendell Sweet Book 2 150 Pages. Aboutthis ebook: An apocalypse of epic proportions has shaken theEarth. More than 90 percent of the Earth’s population has become extinct.#PostApocalyptic #Epic #ApocalypticFiction #Horror https://www.writerz.net
America the Dead season two episode 37
Gathering the will to leave the peace of the roadside area they have found themselves in, the survivors take some breathing time and reflect on all the changes to their world… #AmericatheDead #Listeners #Podcast #Horror #apocalyptic Geo Dell & Amber Smith Only three episodes left until the end of the series… https://youtu.be/P9xiSv1KGMY https://www.writerz.net
His Own
Willie slumped against a wall in an alley,dead. Cocaine cut with rat poison, his overworked heart had stopped beating. Nowhis eyelids flickered, and his hand shot up to bat at a fly that had beenexamining his nose… #Armageddon #Apocalyptic #Horror #Readers #Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/eboo k/his-own-2 https://www.writerz.net
City of the Dead
I tried to focus my thoughts, but every time I opened my eyes the bathroom swam in and out of focus. Even the panic I felt seemed removed. Aloof. Panic felt by a disinterested party. #horror #readers #Apple #Fantasy #scifi https://www.writerz.net
America the Dead: Los Angeles
America the Dead: Los Angeles An apocalypse has shaken the Earth. Over 90 percent of the population has been wiped out. Those that have survived are struggling against all odds to stay alive. #ApocalypticFiction #Readers #GooglePlay #Horror https://www.writerz.net
7 string acoustic guitar build
This is a seven string acoustic project, a custom rosewood bridge and string peg pod: Designing and building the top and much more… #GuitarBuild #CustomGuitar #GuitarPlayers #WoodWorking #Apple https://books.apple.com/us/book/guitar-works-volume-eight-seven-string-jazz-acoustic/id1357866524 #Nook https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/guitar-works-volume-eight-geo-dell/1128148016;jsessionid=185B8010B782E1A065B4324035C344BC.prodny_store01-atgap03?ean=2940155168492 https://www.writerz.net
Welcome to the city of Glennville
Welcome to the City of Glennville Robert His eyes were closed. He seemed to have stopped his struggles. The fat man walked around him twice. Slowly. The fat man was sweating freely. His oversized white T-shirt that usually billowed like a sale, clung to his fat. Drenched…#DellSweet #SciFi #Reader #Mythology #Fantasy https://www.writerz.net