Notes from the Edge 05-04-2024 I believe I mentioned beforethat I am a tech wizard, well, at least in my own head, but I am common sensestupid. Lacking, sadly, in that small area of the brain that says ‘What?’ or‘Hey wait a second!’ Nope. My brain just says, ‘Yeah, go ahead, who cares,’ or‘Hey,…
Author: Author Sam Wolfe
Zombie Fall
Just in time for Halloween. Zombie Fall, free. #Zombie#Horror #ShortStory #Halloween #Readers #Listeners #Free #episode #storytime You can get the story in a collection of the same name atSmashwords:
Notes from the Edge: 10-21-23
Posted10-21-2023Ithas been a long week here, but I finally finished thesecondAnna Kay book editing and began listing it through D2D.Anna KaySex: on the Streets My aunt began to sexually abuse me. It went on for months. I didn’t know until years later that my sister was locked in a closet while this went on. #ChildAbuse…
My latest project 3 2024 05 24
My latest project 3 2024 05 24 #directx #3dmodeling #radsandbox Finishing the work on the Chevy Fastback concept. I finished and loaded the Monster Truck version of it, here is the street version of it. I show it in the modeler and then add it to Rad Sandbox and take it for a drive. Next, I will be…
America the Dead
183 views Oct 20, 2021 ATD-Audio-PodcastGeo Dell & Amber SmithWhen a catastrophic natural disaster looms on the near horizon, the government releases an airborne virus designed to make the human race better able to survive. Those that do survive are picking up the pieces of their world, and those that have died lay in their…
America the Dead:
A five book saga of the end of the world told by the survivors in their own words. These books pick up the saga of the Earth’s Survivors and tells the individual stories of those people as they struggle to survive. #Zombie #Horror #Kindle #Amazon America the Dead (5 book series) Kindle Edition Home:
Notes from the Edge 05-09-24
EARTH’S SURVIVOR’S AMERICA the DEAD: BOOK ONE Based on the series by W. G. Sweet Episode 6 PUBLISHED BY Publishing AMERICA the DEAD: BOOK ONE Copyright © 2013 by All Rights Reserved Writers: W.W. Watson, Geo Dell, W.G. Sweet, G.D. Smitty This book, in this blog format, is licensed for yourpersonal enjoyment only….
Sam Wolfe
Amazon and Kindle books from Author Sam Wolfe… Run: #Crime #Readers City of the Dead: #Readers #Kindle#SamWolfe #eBooks Tau Ceti E: #Space #Readers #Colonization
Notes from the Edge
If you have lived any kind of life at all you have mademistakes. It comes with the human territory, I think it probably comes with anythinking animal’s territory. Thosemistakes might be small or they may be large and overshadowing. You may beridiculed because of them or they may be severe enough that you will have…
Notes from the Edge 03-24-24
I am hanging out watching a murder mystery series on YouTube with my wife (The small town with A BIG Missing Persons Problem….). It is pretty good and thought provoking. We get into these YouTube things sometimes or binging series on Netflix (Just killed Orange is the new Black which I had seen, and she…