Earth’s Survivors Life Stories Earth’s Survivors Life Stories: Jack and Maria Jack: It was on a Tuesday. I went to get the mail and therewere six or seven dead crows by the box. I thought those… #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction#Horror #ZombieFiction #Series Earth’s Survivors Life Stories: Billy The Deal… The man moved more fully into the shadows….
Author: Author Dell Sweet
Earth’s Survivors Collection Five Kindle Edition
Earth’s Survivors Collection Five Kindle Edition All gone. Hopes, dreams, tomorrows: All buried in desperatestruggle to survive. The Earth’s Survivors Series follows survivors of aworldwide catastrophe. #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Horror #ZombieFiction#Series Home:
Wastelands Two – he could tell from the way her skin stretched too tightlyacross her face, the way her bones protruded through that skin in places… #Zombie#Apocalypse #ZombieApocalypse #ZombieFiction #Readers #Thriller #Drama #Horror Home:
The Earth’s Survivor series on Amazon
The Earth’s Survivors series for Kindle and Paperback/Hardcover The Earth’sSurvivors (10 book series) Kindle Edition Read the entireEarth’s Survivors collection at this link! #Amazon #Kindle #KindleUnlimited#Apocalyptic #Readers #Horror The Earth’s Survivors series is an end of theworld series… Home:
The Dope Man
Prophet X The Dope Man Come along on a crazy ride: Mob button men. Crime bosses,dirty cops. Top-level dope dealers and Dollar, a low-level loser just trying tostay alive… #Crime #OrganizedCrime #Mob #Readers #Thriller #BookLovers#BookWorms #Drama Home:
Genisis Earth Series
Genesis Earth Series Book 1: Armageddon Genesis Earth is a trilogy of books that document the plightof the peoples of the Earth as she faces a mighty battle of super powers rarelyglimpsed by mankind. Facing complete global destruction small groups bandtogether to fight the powers that seem to be pushing the earth toward her finaldestruction….
Mister Bob: Collected Short Stories
Mister Bob: Collected Short Stories Seventeen stories from Dell Sweet, from True stories to horror and even humor. #Horror #Humor #ShortStories #Kindle #Amazon Home:
The Wastelands: Zero
Wastelands Zero The end of life no longer means the end. Now it means the beginning of death. A new type of life. A hunger machine searching… #Zombie #Apocalypse #ZombieApocalypse #ZombieFiction #Readers #Thriller #Drama #Horror Home:
Earth’s Survivors: Life Stories: Candace and Mike
The Earth is about to experience an extinction event. Most of the world will be gone when it is finished. Candace and Mike are two of the survivors. #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Crime #Horror #Kindle
Mister Bob: Collected Short Stories Seventeen stories from Dell Sweet, from True stories to horror and even humor. #Horror #Humor #ShortStories #Kindle #Amazon